Friday, April 16, 2010

"I know how you feel."

Do you, do you really?

I think the fact that your husband is sitting next to you, you have no idea how I feel!!

There are sometimes that it would be best not to say anything at all, then to say something that is not true.

Maybe it's because I am still in the process of getting a divorce, but when I hear someone say "I know how you feel", and in reality you know they have no idea, it just pisses me off. Unless you have personally been through a divorce you have NO idea what I am going through. It's so easy to judge someone elses situation.

I had someone tell me they couldn't understand why I was keeping pictures of me and him and that if they were in the situation they would have burned everything. First of all, he will always be apart of my past, you can't erase those memories. Second of all, we do have a daughter together, and I would like for her to know that we were in love and happy at one point in our life, and she wasn't brought into an unloving family. He was so excited the day I got my bfp (big fat positive=pregnancy test) that he didn't want to wait the 12 weeks I wanted to wait to tell everyone, but agreed to. Within 24 hours he was soo excited that he begged me to let him tell his mom which meant we had to tell everyone.

Just because you can sit back and say "If my husband did that to me, I would be so over him and not worried/think about him anymore." My question for you is, do you really love your husband? I had virtually no control over this. In the end it all came down to what he wanted. He walked away and he destroyed our family. This is NOT by any means what I wanted. You have no idea what you would do if you were put in this position, and I hope that you never are.

I really wish people would stop and think before they just verbally throw up.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I just started reading your blog, but it sounds like we are dealing with very similar situations. My husband walked out on me and our now 8-month-old son when our son was 5 months old. Being a single parent is SO hard, in SO many ways. I adore my son more than anything in the entire world, but I am so tired. And people DO NOT understand. They have no idea.
